I have been practicing massage therapy since 2010. I specialize in pain management with a clinical background and advanced training in Precision Neuro Muscular Therapy and Active Release Technique.

What To Expect

Each session is tailored to what you and your body need. On our first session we will have a longer intake and go over exactly what you are looking for in a session. Follow up sessions we will do a quick update to see if there are any changes and get to work. A session may be your typical massage with a focus on stress relief, or it may be completely therapeutic, clothes will stay on and we will move around and focus on relieving the problem, or some combination between the two.

Why Massage Therapy?

The body is a fascinating place with so many overlapping parts that all work together that it is hard to tell sometimes where your pain is coming from. Often times our pain is either posture related or muscular in nature. Most of us carry tension in various parts of the body or what is called a Trigger Point. A trigger Point is a binding in the muscle that refers pain and other sensations to other parts of the body. So the issue may not even be where you are feeling the pain. Clinical massage therapist are specifically trained to understand these patterns and how to release them.

Example video

Reciprocal Muscle Relaxation – YouTube

More videos are available at my YouTube channel.